
The emergence of science and technology have offered solutions for daily life’s problems in modern era, including when dealing with covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic completely evolves our life patterns, from how companies work to accomplishing our daily activities while adhering the health protocols. However, a research revealed that across the economy, productivity tends to be stable, and even more, increase. This happens at the cost of innovations in science and technology field. Therefore, it is not too much to say that the Covid-19 pandemic makes room for innovations and researches in science and technology.

In relation to this, we set “Optimizing Technology for Sustaining Productivity during Covid-19” as the main topic of 11th International Conference of Green Technology (ICGT). The 11th ICGT will be held on 26th October 2021. This online conference will provide a platform for researchers, academicians, professionals, and students from all around the globe to share their research advancements and technologies, as well as encouraging collaborations among participants.

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